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Young black male using his laptop for learning while sitting on the floor.

Micro-credential Management

Elevate the career readiness of your students.

Easily create, approve and publish micro-credentials in support of flexible, modularised learning. 

Say goodbye to spreadsheets and guesswork,
and hello to agile micro-credential management.

Game-changing digital capability for creating, approving and publishing micro-credential curriculum information to help you respond fast to market opportunities.

simply better

For Academics. For Registry. For IT. For Students.

CourseLoop’s approach to micro-credential management offers better ...


Swap spreadsheets for streamlined workflows and automation to quickly respond to market needs without compromising quality.


Propose, create, approve, and publish new micro-credential offerings at speed to remain competitive in an ever-evolving sector.


Offer micro-credentials stand-alone or design stackable credentials, map to standards frameworks, automatically publish to a catalogue, and easily manage reviews for continuous improvement.


Integrate your micro-credential information into your wider technology ecosystem, including badging platforms, using our REST APIs.


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With CourseLoop as your definitive source of curriculum truth, you have complete control over structuring, storing and updating your micro-credential information. In short, we’ll give you complete peace of mind when it comes to your micro-credential curriculum data and how it’s integrated with downstream systems.

Curriculum Management software showing dynamic functionality to track changes.
The intuitive CourseLoop UI showing the creation of a micro-credential as an academic item.


Curriculum Management UI illustrating the creation of a new academic item.

Create, revise and manage the detailed information required for portability and curriculum assurance. CourseLoop’s configurable data forms allow you to consistently capture the data required by students, governing bodies and badging platforms.

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We recognised the strategic value of offering micro-credentials, and had identified that they required different curriculum structures and approval processes. We needed a vendor with a robust data model and proven integration with our LMS and other key systems. CourseLoop’s experience showed us they were the ones to help us transform and continue to deliver quality curriculum to our students.

Macquarie University

A smiling man wearing glasses jotting down ideas in a curriculum planning meeting with his peers.


Young black man sitting at a desk surrounded by tech and monitors

An intuitive UI empowers staff to create tasks, send notifications and comment on proposals. CourseLoop simplifies cross-departmental collaboration and engagement by ensuring everyone is kept in the loop and contributing where and when they are needed.


Curriculum Management software showing dynamic functionality to track changes.

Track the progress of micro-credential proposals as they progress through dynamic and nimble workflows prior to publication. CourseLoop allows you to move micro-credentials through the approval process with complete transparency and confidence.

CourseLoop UI showing workflow management and the status of micro-credential proposals.
UNSW Sydney Course Handbook represented on mobile and browser.


CourseLoop Curriculum Management UI showing versioning capability.
Once developed and approved, define rules to automate the publishing of your micro-credential offering. Easily push your micro-credentials to your website or use our accessible and mobile-responsive catalogue display layer to present information that effortlessly reflects your university’s brand and visual identity.
CourseLoop Curriculum Management Ecosystem

the golden thread

CourseLoop is the golden thread of curriculum management, connecting an institution’s entire curriculum portfolio. On a platform where ideas are nurtured and developed into new opportunities and where market trends are coupled with academic vision to deliver an ever-evolving curriculum portfolio, CourseLoop allows universities to manage the complexities of end-to-end curriculum management with ease and always with the student experience front of mind.

A Modular Solution

Our modular solution allows universities to invest in additional functionality as and when they need it. Our micro-credential management capability is supported by our ‘CDM Plus’ module which gives you advanced curriculum data management capability, and comes with out-of-the-box configuration for micro-credential management to have you on your way in no time. Learn more about our integrated ecosystem in our solution overview.

Learn more

The latest insights, news and sector updates from Team CourseLoop.

July 31, 2024

Queen Mary University of London chooses CourseLoop as its curriculum management solution.

CourseLoop adds Queen Mary University of London to its growing community of UK universities.

July 1, 2024

St Mary’s University, Twickenham, selects CourseLoop as its curriculum management solution.

St Mary's University, Twickenham, selects CourseLoop, underscoring the institution's commitment to academic excellence.

March 18, 2024

CourseLoop wins UCISA 2024 Outstanding Corporate Member of the Year Award.

CourseLoop recognised for its commitment to delivering exceptional service and positive change.

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